Working with Literary Heroes has really given me some AWESOME ideas. The boys love it so much, I simply cannot express it. And of course, the gushing blood from Saint George and the Dragon put them over the top! :)

I just made a close reading passage for my kiddos, because we needed to focus on pulling information out of the text. The hero books were just too long for a good close read, plus, I didn't have a class copy of the shorter ones. This is what I ended up with:

It's in my TPT store here if you want to take a look.

Graphic Organizers have been great for this unit as well. This one I am especially fond of:

Students fill in the hero trait on the left, and then have to draw details from the text to support their responses. This works AMAZINGLY with the Essential Question for Literary Heroes:

"Can Heroism be conveyed in words?"

The kids are learning to use the language, "He was a hero because he was _______. I know that because the author said _________."

I put together the graphic organizers that we have done so far, and they can be purchased at TPT here, if you're interested. :)

So this is the type of week it has been. A week of Mondays, as my husband put it. (And yes, that stool is very broken)

But my kids have absolutely ROCKED at learning to use protractors to measure angles this week!!
We did a sorting activity with angles (Obtuse, Right, Acute), and then measured them to the whole degree. They worked with partners, and you wouldn't believe the math language I heard them using! :)

We also did another angle measuring activity, and one of my students looked right at me and said:

"Mrs. R, this isn't math, this is fun!"

Bless him. He has no idea how much that made my day. So now I'm working on putting some finishing touches on it. Be prepared for an awesome freebie when I get it together!

We're beginning our Literary Heroes unit (finally!) tomorrow!! I'm so excited to introduce it to the kids, and I know they're going to love this unit. I've been searching all over for ideas on how to introduce the unit, but I haven't had much luck finding anything. I did find this awesome video by Matthew Winkler on YouTube about What Makes A Hero:

I can't decide if it is a little complicated for my fourths, but I keep thinking I'll show it at some point. I don't think I'll use it as an introduction, though. Has anyone else found a great multimedia resource for literary heroes?

So with the launch of my new blog, I decided I needed to put my best foot forward. I redesigned my profile picture for Teachers Pay Teachers, and am working on making a blog button as well. Here's my new design:

I'm hoping to get the blog button up and working tonight, but I'm having some trouble with the coding. Ah, the wonders of the modern world! :)
