Pinterest Board for Parents to Find Resources

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I've been toying with this idea for a while now. Trying to get busy parents involved is hard enough in today's classroom. There are so many resources I would love to share with my students' parents, but I know most of them just throw away the weekly newsletters without ever checking out the websites. And that's if the newsletter ever makes it home in the first place!

I end up having parents every year that want good book ideas for their students, websites with games, websites with more information on special needs, etc.

This year, I have taken the initiative to create a few Pinterest boards specifically for the parents of my students. They can get all the resources they need, no matter where they are, on their Smartphones, Ipads, etc. I'm even contemplating making one of them a collaborative board so that my parents can share ideas that they think will make parenting easier.

Since I am just starting this, I can see some of the pros, but I know I haven't predicted all the cons yet. So what do you think? Would you use Pinterest boards for your parents? What resources would you link?



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